Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Every little bit helps!

So last week, in honor of Earth Day, I started hanging some laundry. At first, I was going to only do a load of diapers, but after hanging two more loads of regular laundry, I made a plan. Instead of using the dryer for my other laundry, when weather permitting, I am going to make it a goal to hang at least two loads of laundry a week.

Here are some pictures of my makeshift clothesline. I wanted to see how well things dried out on the deck, so I hadn't bought a clothesline yet. Instead, I used some 12 gauge black wire and speaker wire that belonged to Papa Bean. I say belonged, past tense, because apparently clipping clothes and such to wire, could break the inner wires, thus defeating the purpose of having a wire! Who knew! So, let me tell you, don't use wire... although it worked great! :)

I am so glad that I decided to start hanging clothes! Not only does it help save power, it, in turn, cuts back on the bill. I have begun a few things other than just the clothesline to cut back on our outflow lately... washing clothes on cold, not using the heated dry in the dishwasher, and minimizing our dependency on paper products. I am considering starting a compost pile, and planting vegetables (like cucumbers, zucchini, peas, lettuce), herbs (like oragano, mint, basil, lavender) and fruit (strawberries). I will keep you posted as I make more changes!

Well now, a week later, I have a REAL clothesline, and I love it! Papa Bean rigged a pully system, so it's a piece of cake hanging clothes outside. I just have to wait for this cloudiness to burn off!

Have an awesome day!
Mama Bean

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