Okay, so the last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotion and stress, and we are finally on the downward slide of it. I will maybe blog here about it, maybe I won't, it just depends upon how much time I have in the future.
Well, on another note, Little Bean and I are getting ready to do a little traveling! We are hopping on a plane on Tuesday to Portland, where we are going to be for two weeks! Amidst that time we will be taking the train (since LB still has a tough time in the car) up to Bremerton to visit Grandpa Bean, Grandma Bean and Auntie Lucy. It's going to be awesome! I am so excited! The flight may be a little interesting, y'know traveling with an 11 week old and all, but I'm sure we will make it there fine and he will do amazingly.
I plan on posting more when I'm there, and hopefully I'll get some good pics to add as well!
Much Love,
Mama Bean
P.S. We are heading out without Papa Bean because he is being sent to a job three hours away for three weeks... argh... we're going to miss him...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Oh what a beautiful morning....
Bonjour! And hello! I am so excited about my morning thus far, I just had to share it with all of you! As a new mother, I have realized that a day in which both Little Bean and I get to bathe, qualifies a day as a "good day." But wait! There's more! Not only did both of us bathe, but I have gotten the diapers into the wash, pumped, sanitized my pump accessories, done my makeup, sent off a little something for my favorite nephew, and cleaned the kitchen! That's what I'm talking about!
Okay, so, I was reading on one of my favorite blogs (thenaturalmommy.com) about some trouble she was having her cloth diapers. There were rashed cropping up on the little ones bums and the diapers were a little stinky. She said that free and clear detergent (which is what bum genius said I should use, by the way) can build up in the lining of the diaper and cause both rashes, and stinkiness! It was a revelation for me. I just started Little Bean back on his cloths after a series in disposables due to our thrush treatment, and his little bootie has been getting red ever since. So... for all of you cloth diaper peeps out there (I know of at least one that reads here :) check out her post here. I just started doing her routine and I'm hoping it works! As she states in her blog, do not change detergents if you're not having issues, because it seems the water softness or purity may be a factor.
On another note, I have picked up my Through the Bible in a Year plan again. I have some catching up to do (since I'm still in January!), but I am so glad to be getting some solid daily time in the Word. I just started writing in my new bible, which is kind of a breakthrough. You see, my old bible was well loved, written in and worn, and this new bible was so pristine and lovely that I didn't want to mess it up... well... actually... it was because I was having a hard time leaving my old bible behind... in the old one I knew where all of my favorite scriptures were and could flip to them easily, I had everything highlighted, noted, and underlined... it was a good friend to me and has been with me from the beginning. But, it was time to move on. Leave New King James behind and start walking with the English Standard Version... I'm glad to be getting more acquainted with the new one, but ahhh, I'll never let go New King James!
Anywho, the only downside from this morning is that I missed Le Leche League! I had planned Little Bean's eat, wake, sleep periods around the meeting being at 11, so that we could drive when he wasn't hungry or tired (which seems to work-- cutting down on the all out screamfest that he has when we take a drive). But alas, the meeting started at 10. I didn't realize this until 10:15 and it takes about 20 minutes to get there, plus Little Bean was sleeping... Argh. It's a big bummer because league meetings are only once a month, so I now have to wait a month until I can go. But, Babymoon has a breastfeeding support group that meets from 1-2 every Thursday that I might start going to. I have yet to check it out, but it may be great. With all of Little Bean's weight gain issues and their correlation to my milk supply, I definitely need all the help I can get. Speaking of help, JAW gave me a great idea to help get more when I am pumping... visualization! I started doing it this morning, picturing Little Bean all plump and chubby from guzzling my milk, and it totally worked! I got more milk this morning after feeding LB than I have the whole time I've been doing it! Yay for visualization! Thanks JAW :)
We have our appointment this afternoon with the Pediatric ENT specialist, to check out LB's "borderline" tied tongue, so I'll keep you posted on how that goes! I'm off to eat some lunch!
Okay, so, I was reading on one of my favorite blogs (thenaturalmommy.com) about some trouble she was having her cloth diapers. There were rashed cropping up on the little ones bums and the diapers were a little stinky. She said that free and clear detergent (which is what bum genius said I should use, by the way) can build up in the lining of the diaper and cause both rashes, and stinkiness! It was a revelation for me. I just started Little Bean back on his cloths after a series in disposables due to our thrush treatment, and his little bootie has been getting red ever since. So... for all of you cloth diaper peeps out there (I know of at least one that reads here :) check out her post here. I just started doing her routine and I'm hoping it works! As she states in her blog, do not change detergents if you're not having issues, because it seems the water softness or purity may be a factor.
On another note, I have picked up my Through the Bible in a Year plan again. I have some catching up to do (since I'm still in January!), but I am so glad to be getting some solid daily time in the Word. I just started writing in my new bible, which is kind of a breakthrough. You see, my old bible was well loved, written in and worn, and this new bible was so pristine and lovely that I didn't want to mess it up... well... actually... it was because I was having a hard time leaving my old bible behind... in the old one I knew where all of my favorite scriptures were and could flip to them easily, I had everything highlighted, noted, and underlined... it was a good friend to me and has been with me from the beginning. But, it was time to move on. Leave New King James behind and start walking with the English Standard Version... I'm glad to be getting more acquainted with the new one, but ahhh, I'll never let go New King James!
Anywho, the only downside from this morning is that I missed Le Leche League! I had planned Little Bean's eat, wake, sleep periods around the meeting being at 11, so that we could drive when he wasn't hungry or tired (which seems to work-- cutting down on the all out screamfest that he has when we take a drive). But alas, the meeting started at 10. I didn't realize this until 10:15 and it takes about 20 minutes to get there, plus Little Bean was sleeping... Argh. It's a big bummer because league meetings are only once a month, so I now have to wait a month until I can go. But, Babymoon has a breastfeeding support group that meets from 1-2 every Thursday that I might start going to. I have yet to check it out, but it may be great. With all of Little Bean's weight gain issues and their correlation to my milk supply, I definitely need all the help I can get. Speaking of help, JAW gave me a great idea to help get more when I am pumping... visualization! I started doing it this morning, picturing Little Bean all plump and chubby from guzzling my milk, and it totally worked! I got more milk this morning after feeding LB than I have the whole time I've been doing it! Yay for visualization! Thanks JAW :)
We have our appointment this afternoon with the Pediatric ENT specialist, to check out LB's "borderline" tied tongue, so I'll keep you posted on how that goes! I'm off to eat some lunch!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Coffee Thoughts...
I am so excited about Papa Bean coming home today! I have missed him so much, that I have barely been able to stand it. It's amazing to think that we used to go for even longer without seeing each other in the beginning... that is, before we were married.
It's amazing how marriage creates a bond that cannot be discounted or even very well explained. When we were living at a distance, yes, it was difficult, and sometimes painful. But when you rely upon another human being for every day things, like affection, feedback, support and love, there is a realization of your wantonness when they are gone. Yes, I can live and even thrive without my husband, but I don't want to. I love having him near me, just even in the same room. Needless to say, I am so glad that we are married, that we are one.
I love you Papa Bean.
Mama Bean
It's amazing how marriage creates a bond that cannot be discounted or even very well explained. When we were living at a distance, yes, it was difficult, and sometimes painful. But when you rely upon another human being for every day things, like affection, feedback, support and love, there is a realization of your wantonness when they are gone. Yes, I can live and even thrive without my husband, but I don't want to. I love having him near me, just even in the same room. Needless to say, I am so glad that we are married, that we are one.
I love you Papa Bean.
Mama Bean
Friday, February 6, 2009
'Twas a Good Day
So. Today. Was. Awesome!
To begin, I woke up on time to take the Big Little Bean to school. When I went into her room to wake her up, she was dressed, and almost totally ready to go! She was laying on her floor writing her new book, as she plans (this week) on becoming an author when she grows up. I think she would make a great author, and I would love to read her books (she has a really great one on leopards aptly titled, "I love leppards" I'll have to post pictures of it sometime) and made sure to tell her that this morning. Then she just had to eat, brush, and gather her things. So I helped her do her hair, she brushed her teeth, and grabbed a balance bar to go and I got Little Bean ready to roll (which didn't take very long, since I didn't change his clothes and he didn't have a meltdown).
The car ride to BLB's school was lovely! LB didn't cry until after we dropped her off, and then only for a short time, it was wonderful! After coming home, LB and I started our new schedule... a series of eat, wake/play, sleep. I have to say it went swimmingly. He ate, played and then went to the doctor, where he was on his best behavior and did great conjuring up many chubby thoughts -- since he gained 4oz! : ) Yay! He also grew a half inch, so the Little Bean has been working hard this past week, and it's good to know that my hard work has been paying off, too.
After the doctor, we came home, LB fell asleep in the car (which absolutely never happens) and proceeded to sleep for almost an hour in his car seat! Which also never happens. I was then able to eat, chat with Grandma Bean, and get the dishes done. Upon rising, Little Bean was ready to eat, so I fed him, making sure that he got a whole fifteen minutes per side (which is apparently imperative for weight gain... why didn't I know this!?). After his feeding the really fun started....
It was a beautiful and sunny 65 degree day today, so we took a little walk around the deck a few times, and then we went out front where I started raking leaves while LB hung out in the swing on the stoop. He loved it! As did I, since it seems like I've been cooped up for ages! The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the LB was entranced by the sky and colors. I can't wait for spring! After a little while outside, LB decided he was tired of it, and so I moved the swing into the living room and kept the door open so that I could hear him when he roused. After a little fussiness, he dozed off and I got to some hardcore work raking leaves in the winter sun. It was awesome. The physical exertion did me some good, as did the sunshine.. vitamin D is amazing!
When LB woke up I felt ready to face the world! He got in another good, long feeding and then I gave him a bath... which he adored... until he got out...

...but what else is new? Then we walked and chatted, sang and danced until LB was hungry again! So we got in another good and hearty feeding... then he fell asleep for an hour and a half! I love it! I was able to eat, clean, sanitize, and put away numerous things in preparation for Papa Bean's arrival tomorrow. Boy do I miss him. I can't wait!
So overall, I feel accomplished. Oh! And I have also drank my goal of four 32oz. bottles! Yes!
More tomorrow... : )
Mama Bean
To begin, I woke up on time to take the Big Little Bean to school. When I went into her room to wake her up, she was dressed, and almost totally ready to go! She was laying on her floor writing her new book, as she plans (this week) on becoming an author when she grows up. I think she would make a great author, and I would love to read her books (she has a really great one on leopards aptly titled, "I love leppards" I'll have to post pictures of it sometime) and made sure to tell her that this morning. Then she just had to eat, brush, and gather her things. So I helped her do her hair, she brushed her teeth, and grabbed a balance bar to go and I got Little Bean ready to roll (which didn't take very long, since I didn't change his clothes and he didn't have a meltdown).
The car ride to BLB's school was lovely! LB didn't cry until after we dropped her off, and then only for a short time, it was wonderful! After coming home, LB and I started our new schedule... a series of eat, wake/play, sleep. I have to say it went swimmingly. He ate, played and then went to the doctor, where he was on his best behavior and did great conjuring up many chubby thoughts -- since he gained 4oz! : ) Yay! He also grew a half inch, so the Little Bean has been working hard this past week, and it's good to know that my hard work has been paying off, too.
After the doctor, we came home, LB fell asleep in the car (which absolutely never happens) and proceeded to sleep for almost an hour in his car seat! Which also never happens. I was then able to eat, chat with Grandma Bean, and get the dishes done. Upon rising, Little Bean was ready to eat, so I fed him, making sure that he got a whole fifteen minutes per side (which is apparently imperative for weight gain... why didn't I know this!?). After his feeding the really fun started....
It was a beautiful and sunny 65 degree day today, so we took a little walk around the deck a few times, and then we went out front where I started raking leaves while LB hung out in the swing on the stoop. He loved it! As did I, since it seems like I've been cooped up for ages! The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the LB was entranced by the sky and colors. I can't wait for spring! After a little while outside, LB decided he was tired of it, and so I moved the swing into the living room and kept the door open so that I could hear him when he roused. After a little fussiness, he dozed off and I got to some hardcore work raking leaves in the winter sun. It was awesome. The physical exertion did me some good, as did the sunshine.. vitamin D is amazing!
When LB woke up I felt ready to face the world! He got in another good, long feeding and then I gave him a bath... which he adored... until he got out...
...but what else is new? Then we walked and chatted, sang and danced until LB was hungry again! So we got in another good and hearty feeding... then he fell asleep for an hour and a half! I love it! I was able to eat, clean, sanitize, and put away numerous things in preparation for Papa Bean's arrival tomorrow. Boy do I miss him. I can't wait!
So overall, I feel accomplished. Oh! And I have also drank my goal of four 32oz. bottles! Yes!
More tomorrow... : )
Mama Bean
Thursday, February 5, 2009
We are here!
So it has begun! I have done that which I have wanted to for soooo long. With The Little Bean taking longer daytime naps (gotta love the hair dryer and swing combo!) I now have a little more time hands/sling free. So I am here, not only reading the myriad blogs that I loooove, but actually creating and posting on my own!
My goals for this blog are simple: I want to have an all out brain dump and get feedback from it, I want to post pictures for family and friends, and I want to combine the genius of the blogs that I follow into one simple and consistent place. Thus, I intend to post coupon deals, keep updates on our household, add pictures of the funny things that Little Bean does, post about my latest readings, doings, and happenings, and share the love of Jesus.
I love talking about a handful of things (natural childbirth, my husband, my son, breastfeeding, coupons - just to name a few), and I plan on doing that all here, on a daily basis! :) That's right, I said DAILY! (One can hope right?) With a newborn it may be a little challenging, but goals never hurt!
Let me know if there is anything I left out, or that you may want me to chat about, I'm up for any suggestions or questions!
Mama Bean
I love talking about a handful of things (natural childbirth, my husband, my son, breastfeeding, coupons - just to name a few), and I plan on doing that all here, on a daily basis! :) That's right, I said DAILY! (One can hope right?) With a newborn it may be a little challenging, but goals never hurt!
Let me know if there is anything I left out, or that you may want me to chat about, I'm up for any suggestions or questions!
Mama Bean
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